
My personal site, shotfry.com, is where I write on topics like how to make money online, blogging and SEO techniques, social media networks, well-known affiliate programmes, content management systems like WordPress, and web hosting. I am unable to guarantee the quality, accuracy, or completeness of the content I am providing. You do it at your own risk if you use any of the information provided here. I’m not to fault for that.

All of the content on shotfry.com might not be very profitable for me. I might generate income from my blog by selling products, referring people to websites, running advertising, writing reviews, etc. Every single post I write for Bloggerspassion.com expresses my personal opinion about a certain good or service, and those things that help me make money online may or may not be good for other people.

Email addresses that are collected in various blog sections will only ever be used for privacy purposes; spamming will never be done with them. If you’ve expressed interest in receiving emails from me about specific items or services, you can expect to receive them.